Author: Ray Brown

Disaster Relief for Noxon

SCCD send thanks to Luisa Amaro of United Bankers’ Bank, Tom Eggensberger of Blackfoot Communications, and especially Candi Faroni of Valley Banks for their company’s generous donations toward disaster recovery relief in Noxon. The Noxon Fires devastated three local businesses, leaving...

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Thompson Falls has needs….

Well….maybe. The City of Thompson Falls is conducting a Community Needs Assessment. The first, and most important step in this process is to gather data from the residents of the community. Questions on the survey focus on public services, what you like, and what you want. To have your...

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SCCD looks for childcare solutions

The lack of affordable child care is one of many reasons some residents remain unemployed and disengaged from the workforce. If you can find a childcare provider in Sanders County, the cost of care, plus mileage, hardly makes finding employment worth the effort. Combined with the regulation,...

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Remote Worker Pilot Program takes off!

SCCD in cooperation with Sanders County Job Service, the Montana Business Assistance Center, and Teleworks is hosting its first remote worker training on January 9th – 13th at the State Building in Thompson Falls. The cost for training is $600 but for many in Sanders County, the tuition...

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The Outdoor Recreation Survey Results Are In

SCCD partnered with Kaniksu Land Trust and the Lolo National Forest to develop an Outdoor Recreation Survey. While the primary purpose of this survey was to gauge sentiment as to what types of projects the community would support in the Orchard, the team decided to expand questions to include sentiment...

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